Saturday, May 11, 2013

A blissful Saturday morning

Sometimes I wonder where my life goes. What do I do with my time? I feel busy all the time...but never have much to show.  How do I know so little about so much? Shouldn't I be smarter? Shouldn't I have some hobby that showcases my talents and helps me become an expert at something?  Hmmm. The meanderings of a content mind.

As I prepared some wholesome and deliciously beautiful dishes (deviled eggs, macaroni salad - combo of this and this, cheddar/jalapeno muffins) this morning, I reminded myself, yet again, that I do not care much for the current ways of the world. I don't need any more projects than I already have.  And, I am content in my quiet world. My family and short list of friends are the most important things to me. Most of my free time is spent thinking of them and trying to do things for them. I try to take care of my own...and if everyone did that, this world could be a much better place. In my humble opinion.
The view of my backyard is quite enticing. I am sure my farmer hubby will be posting more later.  So, for now, I am done thinking about how little I know about music, movies, and books.  I know that I love you. :)

1 comment:

  1. Taking care of and loving other people IS your hobby... and you are, indeed, an expert at it. xoxox
