Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sowing the Seed to Reap the Harvest!!!

Today I got to sow some seeds.  I sweated my tail off in the hoop garden.  It got to 80F inside.  I planted:
onions, corn, lettuces, hot peppers, dill, sunflowers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, and snap peas.  I hope by the time we return from Arkansas/Texas everything will have sprouted.
Eno loves the new growth of catnip

We had Daryl over for a Sunday dinner.....BBQ ribs, baked tater, and slaw.
We ended the day with a lovely Strawberry Rhubarb custard pie.  A modified Aunt Pat recipe...Oh my!!!  See you in Arkansas/Texas.


  1. Oh my... There is so much sweetness in the strawberries, I'm sure you didn't need to add any sugar!

  2. I must say I am really quite jealous of the garden. Hopefully next year we can get a bed going. See you in a few days.
