Monday, August 27, 2012

2nd Annual THB Hop Harvest

The day of anticipation finally came....Sunday was the 2nd Annual THB Hop Harvest.  This is the day we have been waiting for since March when the little bines started peaking through the soil.  If you don't remember, last year I planted 2 hop variety rhizomes.  One being the Cascade variety and the other one Chinook.  If you aren't familiar with hops....they give the beer bitterness, flavor, and aroma.  I am what they call a hop head...meaning I love the bitterness, spicy, piney, citrusy, earthy, and floral qualities hops have to offer a good beer....the more the marrier.  With this harvest being our second year.....the plant should produce more than their rookie season.  Last year I believe we were able to harvest about 4 oz of hops......this year Marie (my little picker)and I were able to pick 33.1oz.  Yes, 2 pounds of green sticky hop cones.  Would you just look at em'!
Marie just loved the aroma they gave off.

 Cutting them off their support system.
Getting ready to brew with the Cascade/Chinook mix.
Marie is stirring the mash.  I developed a very simple Pale Ale recipe.  I want the THB hops to shine through.  Stay tuned to hear how the brew turns out!


  1. Would you just look at it!!!

    I can't wait to try this one. My hops aren't quite ready to harvest, giving them another week or two. Will probably only have about 4 oz of cascades.

  2. Holy Schmoly, I am dreadfully behind on blog posts, I need to catch up on your guys' and Maggie's, but I just wanted to say this post is great! The picture of Willie in the Sky with HopPlants is eeeeeppppppiiiiiicccccccc!
