Sunday, July 13, 2014

July Pickins'

Starting Sunday morning: picking snap peas and harvesting dill.
It's not even mid-July and Farmer Willie has bumper crops coming in.  This weekend we harvested so much yummy produce: snap peas, dill, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and even corn!
This wasn't all of it. We got about 3 lbs of carrots and more than 5 lbs of beets.
Corn fed white girl...shucking corn.  I attempted some of Grandmother Love's creamed corn...
A bushel of walla walla sweets. Papa Chuck would love a mayo/onion sandwich with one of these beauts!
Like digging for buried treasure...Connor was having a blast!
Eno is thirsty...loves that running water!  Easily 5 gallons of red potatoes.
The farmer headed to our local fruit stand to barter with all his beautiful dill. From the prices we saw ($9 for a small bunch of flowering dill), we figure he gave them more than $100 of dill. He cashes in with 2-3 they make out well. 
Taking time to stop and smell the roses (and talk to them too!)...That is the Martha Jr. coming out in me. :)


  1. this whole sun-shiney, summery, lovely post made me smile. Marie, you are always a stunner but you look particularly smokin' pickin' your veggies and shucking corn. Maybe I just miss you extra bad.

  2. Good lord is this all so magnificent. You two always manage to impress.
