Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Good Times with Grandpa, Great Unlce Brad, and Winnie

It was a treat to be in NC for two weeks and give Grandma Mawtha a chance to go be with Mags/Mara/Matt/Honey.  We had some crazy times. That house is nuts for sure. I fully intended to give Dad/Brad/Winnie a little vacation(stacation) TLC, but you know the Big Boss Beez in me couldn't just let it be all fun and no work. So, we had very busy days and I was sad when time was up.
My first night in town...Brad wooed me out onto the deck for a cup of coffee and a photo shoot to make Connor jealous.

Great Uncle Brad is very proud indeed!
Breakfasts included buttermilk waffles, biscuits and gravy, pancakes/berries/whipped cream (well, most foods included whipped cream if dad had anything to say about it), strawberry scones...just to name a few.

It was definitely time to clean and stain that deck!
Dad's favorite perch... I think the cleaning/staining did it some good!
He is a very pleased Grandpa...he boasted about Mara to ANYONE who came to the house.
Birthday party for Granddaddy... I made a picnic lunch and coconut cake.  Grandmother was too tired/ill to join us, but it was still fun!
Winnie was looking for mom...she got groomed and wanted to show off how pretty she was.
I have never grilled in my life...but I mastered that baby while I was there! Charcoal and paper and a few cuss words.
Salmon and potato dinner one night... we also had burgers/kielbasa, chicken, pork tenderloin, and steaks!
A common view... but I added new runners down the hallways and got rid of Martha's orange yoga mats. It was time.
Dining al fresco...
Brad did pretty well with me being home and invading every inch of the house. I am a cleaning machine, so I go a little overboard. I take "deep cleaning" to a whole new level.  Brad does tend to get a little stressed when I make him throw away things...but he made up for it by going out and buying 11 newspapers in one day...he has a habit.
But this closet hasn't looked so good since we were home for Maggie's wedding and I made him clean it out...
One of many beautiful scenes. Pictures do not capture it...
Morning sunrises were so fresh.
The woods were alluring but there was never enough time for exploring...and Winnie is such a dumb ass that she goes running home at the slightest fright.
Winnie and I walked down to the goats almost every evening.
This tree is always so beautiful.
Lizards like to hang out with dad on the deck...I did make some time for hula hooping.
Mawtha has the place coming up in all kinds of petally pretties.
Baby bluebirds!! Gave me and Dad quite a scare. We thought the mom might have abandoned them... but everything was ok!
Couldn't miss giving mom a pedicure/spa treatment before I left.
And we did a flower is the happy grandma smelling the ?old man's beard? tree. Smells so sweet - like honeysuckle!
Mom had a "Mara" pedicure ala Amber-style with the alternating colors.

Marion is my favorite spot...I am so glad that we will get to go there for years and years to come.  Love Drive is a little bit of heaven on Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Oh semester you are such a busy Aunt Bee... Thank you for taking such good care of Granddad and Great Uncle Brad (and Grandma!). Loved everything about this post except Brad's 11-newspaper day. What a TURD.
