Sunday, June 23, 2013

Can you believe they're still together?!

All time favorite pic of Dr. and Mrs. Milliren

Deeeeez NUUUUTTTSSS! That's who!
Happy 40th Anniversary to MarSue and Papa Chuck! We are so happy that they are able to celebrate their anniversary in Marion, NC... right where they got married 40 years ago.  They are a beautiful couple; a perfect example of devoted love and unwavering friendship.  We decided to steal the idea from Mark and Amber and do a little picture blog devoted to Dr. and Mrs. C.M. Milliren III.  Enjoy!
222 Love Dr. Not much has changed... maybe the car :)
Dad was quite the romancer...
Still smoking a pipe...still sitting on the same couch. Same pictures on the wall. Same lamps. I know Martha can still show a little leg when she feels like it.
At the Biltmore
Beautiful bride.
Rehearsal dinner... She looks like a lady in LOVE!
Isn't Dad dashing? And Gdad in the background looking good!
What a casanova!
With friends on their wedding day...
Exiting First Baptist Church of Marion. Love those suits!
Who wears short shorts?
Honeymooning on the Outer Banks.
Don't let these two start canoodling on the couch!
A fine match.
They haven't changed much....
Maybe a little cuter even. <3
We can't wait to celebrate their 40th with them in Marion in a few weeks. Looks like I need to get an updated picture of then on the deck...enjoying the setting sun, the song birds, the NC weather.
We love you Mom and Dad!! Thank you for all of the love and support that you have given to us.


  1. Aw dang this made me cry. And you beat me to the punch, but I didn't have quite the volume of pictures to share, just this newspaper link about their wedding!!,6093168

  2. Great post! I love it :) No wonder their children are all great looking. How'd you get so cute? Who's your mommy and daddy?? <3

  3. Great post, could not add anything to make it more perfect. It is so strange seeing these pictures, I see a little of all of us kids in all of them.

  4. Those are a couple of nuts! Loved the pictures. Really strange to see all of the photos from their early days, just starting life together. We loved the post!
