Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ode to the Kitten Kats...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... Oh how my precious kittehs bring joy to my days.
Lefty likes to be the back spoon. He can nuzzle his nose into Eno's back that way.
Came upstairs to find Eno chillin on the bed one night...
"Just warmin' things up. Care to join me?"
Where's Eno?
At their favorite rainy-weather posts. Guarding the back door from various varmints. They like to earn their keep.
This cat will climb in any box, drawer, or bag. He is special.
Woke up one morning to find this on the floor. Usually they are on the bed... which isn't the most comfortable arrangement, but it is fun!
Eno keeping cat hairs all over the guest bed. Just in case we have any visitors.
So, that is all for now. I know my dad will love this post...since he loves Kats. You just have to see them in person to know how loveable they really are.  I am definitely a crazy cat lady... And proud of it!  I learned it from my it must be a good thing.

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