Sunday, October 23, 2011

Daryl's 50th Birthday

Friday, October 21, 2011, our good friend, Daryl Lund, turned 50 years young!  Connor and I stayed up until after midnight on Thursday baking 3 different kinds of cupcakes... and trying to make sure we had everything ready for Friday.
 We made Red Velvet with a mocha cream cheese frosting... Pumpkin with a maple cream cheese icing... and (my all-time favorite can't have a bday without it) Funfetti with orange-colored cream cheese icing.  We think they were a big hit!

On Friday evening, Connor and Daryl went to Dick's Brewery for a beer after work.  Little did Daryl know that his cousin Julie and Marie had been plotting a small party.  Julie had invited Daryl's family, friends, and business acquaintances to stop by for a beer and cupcake.

After the little soiree at Dick's, we headed to Olympia for a lovely dinner party at Anthony's Hearthfire Restaurant on the water.

It was a lot of fun. Daryl's family was a treat to be with and we loved celebrating Daryl.


  1. How sweet! Happy Birthday Daryl!

  2. You two are the best. I hope Daryl had a great time! I wish I could have been there for that.
