Friday, January 10, 2014

Navidad con los Tejans

We had an awesome holiday adventure in Texas this year.  Probably one for the consideration of the National Lampoons producers!  Our main wish was to spend time with all of our family...and it came true!  As always, there was not enough time for us to get our fill, but we will have to make it last. Here are some highlights:
Gotta love a Shipley's donut welcome!
Gas Monkey Bar & Grill
From Longview:
Big Daddy's second office... he can cook up a storm!
Lots of walks with our favorite little black dogs!
Chef Uncle Buddy made Mickey Mouse Pancakes for Sam and Alex.
The boys at play on a beautiful day...this park is near Connor's old jr. high school.
Dad made numerous gourmet dishes - here is the prime rib dinner...including Neana's famous hot water cornbread. DELICIOUS!
If it looks like a magazine picture to you, you are correct! Check out Southern Living's holiday magazine...this cake was on the cover. It was an exact replica created by Big Daddy and Marie.

Neana is a movie-star... Statuesque.
Mr.&Mrs. Claus telling bedtime stories. Lovebirds in action.
Christmas in Longview.
Our introduction to bath-time with the nephews. We did pretty well... and it was a blast!
Bodacious BBQ Hot Link Sandwich. Your mouth needs one!
 From Daingerfield:
Connor and Papa on a ride through the lower farms.
Beautiful Mama Leigh Ann with her beautiful baby boy Sam.
Alex warmed up to the 4-wheeler with Uncle Buddy real quick.
Granny loves her boys.
Uncle Buddy spent everynight in similar fashion. Those boys LOVED watching "big truck" videos on YouTube.

Lou treated us to GrandBet sausage/egg casserole for Christmas morning. It was a late night - she worked hard to be a generous Santa for her boys!
Mom and Uncle Buddy - "Santa's Elves"
Alex and Sam hit the jackpot Christmas morning!
Prodigy for Busted Knuckle Garage. AKA Future Shop Minion.
Thank goodness Uncle Buddy is patient and wicked smart.
Seriously LOVE this picture. The Clampets anyone?  I see Jethro... I see Elly Mae... I see two hillbilly babies!

A Christmas morning stroll down Papa's lane.
Our future homesite...
Don't mess with the bull; he can get real mean!
Catfish pond. Hey - That's my kinda night!

From Dallas:
Auntie M loves to feed the kids. Meals and snacks every 2-3 hours. Ellyn Satter style with a healthy division of responsibility.
Sandbox and backyard playtime.
Shake 'em til they're dry.
Alex got tired of riding his bike...decided to ride in the stroller and let Auntie M push/tow everything instead.
Luckily, Sammy liked riding on Uncle Buddy's strong shoulders.
A visit to a local park. Uncle Buddy is just like one of the kids. Sam and Alex love him so much... It was music to my ears to hear them laughing and calling his name. Best Christmas gift ever!
There are too many great stories to tell.  Too many beautiful pictures to share. It was a blessing to be with our Texas family for Christmas.  We hope your Christmas was wonderful too.  We are already counting down to Millhorn Christmas 2014.


  1. There are so many wonderful photos in this post, I don't know where to start. I loved them all... The shadows of my sweet Tuckers, THAT DONUT that is triggering a major craving... Sweet Rusty and Beautiful Neana, those gorgeous children, Mama Leigh Ann and lovely Ceci... What a wonderful holiday. Thanks for posting this little glimpse for us :)

  2. LOVE all the pictures. Way late, I know. I'll kiss the mean out of that bull-not really haha. We missed you these holidays!
