Sunday, January 8, 2012

Some Chehalis Kitchen Therapy

I (Marie) was in the mood to do some serious cooking this weekend... and my meal plan for the week looks totally delicious.  
Here is a little taste of our weekend:
We had skillet-grilled burritos for a quick dinner on Saturday night... along with some of our homemade heirloom salsa. Yum!

Chicken Pot Pie with an Herbed-Biscuit topping for lunch on Sunday...
 Beer Note: Daryl had a Scottish Ale... Connor had a Vanilla Boubon Porter.

And a sweet chocolate meringue pie for dessert. Personally, I never saw the appeal of meringue pies... but my Connor-Crush requested it and I was up for the challenge. It actually was a lot of fun to make the homemade pudding and test my hand with a meringue... Not too time consuming...and the taste was excellent if I do say so myself!
After a nice long walk (on a rare sunny 50-degree day!) Connor and Lefty ended up on the couch with full-bellies and happy hearts.  Don't you want to join us?


  1. Pie looks like it turned out great! And yes I want to come over!

  2. I'll hitch a piggy back ride from Margaret and head on over!
