Monday, January 23, 2012

Back to normal...

We are not exactly what you would call "good" bloggers... We post our blogs when we have time.  Who cares if it is a week or more after the fact? Certainly not these guys...

So... for the most part, things are back to normal this week...including sweet flowers and long days at work. 

He even cut a bloom to put on my dresser. How sweet is that?!?

We still have ugly, dirty piles of snow piled up all over the place.  The roads are still a bit slick in the wee morning hours.  Connor's employees are still a bunch of worthless, miserly, bickering pains in the butt (seriously, he has worked from 8am all the way through to 3am several days recently!). But, as Sugarland sings, it happens.

We are still squeezing in time for the fun stuff... Like waffles on Sunday morning... And pizza on a Grey's Anatomy date night...
And saying prayers of thanksgiving for all of our loved ones... including prayers of healing for some... and prayers of patience and strength for others.  Hope you know that we are praying for you, and sending you so much love EVERYDAY.  <3


  1. We love you too! Pizza looks yummy!

  2. I'm not sure there is such a thing as a "good" blogger, I think the Tuckers kick butt! I hope you know that your prayers and love sent are definitely returned! I miss you both.
