Monday, October 14, 2013

A Fall Garden and Hike

Connor and I were lucky enough to spend today together. We have been wanting to plant a fall garden and check out a new state park. Mission accomplished.
In front of Deep Lake. Sunny and beautiful...but cold!
The trees are so old looking. It was lovely how the sun lit up the mossy bark.
Some of these trees are HUGE.
Up close and personal.
Our cold weather garden: Celery. Broccoli. Kale. Brussels sprouts. We'll see how it does.
Hope all of you had a perfect day... we sure did!


Due to travel, Marie has been out of the blog-scene for a couple of lets catch up!  Marie was able to be in NC for Martha's successful right eye cataract surgery.  While there she had a blast seeing Papa Chuck, B-Rad Love, Maggie, Carolyn and family. 
Martha's pretty green eyes - Pre-surgery.
PC is excited!
We had a great time walking with Miss Winnie at the Y trail. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Brad even joined us one day.
The soon-to-be grandparents enjoy a few minutes on the poop deck.
Brad couldn't wait to sit by his beautiful niece.
Love my Carolina girls.
Brad on his big green tractor.
Gotta love a Marion sunset.
Last weekend we cleaned up the summer garden to get ready for a small winter garden.  We hope to plant lettuces, kale, onions, etc....we will keep you posted on what we finalize.  I had a low hop production this year and I belive it was due to the hop rhizome beeing rootboud in my planter box.  Marie helped me remove the roots and thin down.
The sunflower heads are a hit with the local bird crew.
Pulled the last of our carrots and weeds.
I think this would qualify as root-bound.
Our usual Sunday morning wake-up scene.

We had a yummy meal this week that we wanted to share with yous....Marie highly recommends that you boyz learn how to cook like this for your women...Coq au Vin. (Marie here: I asked if Connor would make dinner Thursday night so she could work out... I sit down to this gourmet dinner and say "how did you find time to make this?" and CT says "I knew I had to make something that I could throw in the oven and forget."  Ha. I laughed. I wish it was that easy.)
One of the best meals I have ever had.

Bikes and Brew:
I plan on kegging the Kolsch today....I tried to recreate a brew my brewthers/brewister and I brewed in December of 2010.  We called it MTB (Mills-Tuck-Bos) it was an Indian Brown Ale.  Everything went well on Saturday and it is happily fermenting away.
Kolsch with active fermentation...

The mini bike is almost ready for firing up.  I have cleaned the carburetor and installed an new set of points.  I have been reading up on rust removal.  The little fuel tank is lined in rust....I am experimenting with molasses.  I purchased 4 gallons at our local feed store.  I am soaking the inside of the tank with it.  I hope it works!!! The CB550 is being built as we speak.  I got the parts back from powdercoating and they look fabulous!  It is a sweet looking brat-style bike.
the experiment begins.
rust infested!
glossy black...
you get the picture...
getting there...
So, there is a long recap of the last few weeks. Hope you are enjoying fall!