I won't bore you with all the details, but I did want to announce that BKG has added a new member to the fleet. Last Wed night I found a good looking classic Honda CB.....a 360cc. This is a small frame bike, the condition looked great, and all original. Only 10K on the odometer! This bike has been stuck in a barn/shop since 1997. The seller used it in college cruising the campus of University of Washington. He blew the back tire out and never fixed it. He did say he occasionally started the engine to keep it lubed up. We settled on a price that we were both happy with and I loaded her up on my trailer and headed home. I put in a new battery, back tire, and spark plugs. I had this running in 20 minutes.
I didn't know how Marie would respond to another bike (this makes 4). She took it quite well. As of yesterday (Sunday) she has wanted to take it everywhere. We rode it to the mall, grocery store, friends house, local festival, and some back county road cruising.......we did about 60 miles on Saturday/Sunday. We even have a small ride to a blueberry farm planned for this coming weekend. Plus, she wants to learn how to drive it!
Bobbie update:
I took Bobbie home Saturday morning to work on the electrical wiring. My neighbor Blake came over to give me a hand at sodering the wiring harness. It wasn't the quickest task....seemed like we were working on it all afternoon.
Towards the early evening the main harness was wired and it was time to hear her run. We put some hot sauce down her throat and gave some kicks. She fired right up!!! I don't have the muffler cans finished so I just used the straight pipes.......one word says it, "LOUD!!!"